List of recommended restaurants

Most of the listed restaurants have an English menu. They also offer a daily menu having usually about 4 items. It is cheaper and faster. Mostly, it is is not provided in English and you have to ask for a translation. Smoking is not forbidden and, with a few exceptions, the listed restaurants have at least non-smoking areas or smoking is forbidden during lunchtime.

  1. U Vltavy, Břehová 5
    Pleasant restaurant with Czech and Greek specialties. The nearest one to the conference venue.
  2. Restaurant Baterka, Bílkova 5
    Modern stylish restaurant with diverse weekly menu. WiFi available for free. Weekly menu available online in English.
  3. U Kapra, Žatecká 17
    Cozy restaurant with Czech cuisine and pleasant outdoor seating.
  4. U Rudolfína, Křižovnická 60
    Warm traditional pub/restaurant with Czech specialties. No English menu.
  5. Restaurace U Knihovny, Veleslavínova 10
    Pleasant cellar restaurant.
  6. KFC, Kaprova 14 International fast food.
  7. Gurmán Flint, Křižovnická 61
    Cheaper pub/restaurant in pirate style. Daily menu available online in English.
  8. The PUB, Veleslavínova 3
    Stylish beer bar and restaurant renowned for a self-drawn beer. Daily menu in English.
  9. Potrefená husa, Platnéřská 88
    Modern beer bar and restaurant.
  10. Pizzeria Donna, Veleslavínova 10
    Italian cuisine, rustic atmosphere and pleasant outdoor seating. Weekly menu available online in English.
  11. Maestro, Křižovnická 10
    Warm and cozy pizzeria and steak bar. WiFi available for free.
  12. Paneria, Kaprova 3
    Snack bar offering baguettes, salads, etc. WiFi available for free.
  13. Sedm Konšelů, Žatecká 10
    Cheaper restaurant with Czech cuisine. Outdoor garden seating.

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